Northstar Christian Academy provides Christ-centered instructions for children from pre-school through their senior year of high school. Elementary (K-6) children are instructed in small classroom settings. In 7th & 8th grades they move to the high school wing of the school, and are helped to transition to different schedules and learning methods. High school (9-12) students are being prepared for college.
The grading system at Northstar is as follows:
A+ = 98-100 A= 94-97 A- = 90-93
B+ = 88-89 B = 86-87 B- = 83-85
C+ = 81-82 C = 77-80 C- = 74-76
D+ = 72-73 D = 70-71 F = Below 70
A student must be passing all classes to be on the Honor Roll
94-100 or 3.8 - 4.0 = High Honor Roll
89-93 or 3.31 - 3.7 = Honor Roll
86-88 or 3.01 - 3.3 = Merit
Graduation Requirements
To earn a diploma, NCA students must complete a course of study that exceeds the requirements set forth by the Board of Regents. An approved high school four-year course of study includes the following units of work or their equivalent and will result in 28 total credits.
Bible 4 credits
English 4 credits
Social Studies 4 credits
Science 3 credits
Math 3 credits
Health 1/2 credit
Physical Education 2 credits (.5/year)
Foreign Language 2 credits
Computer Science 1/2 credit
Electives 5 or more
Northstar Christian Academy is now offering a classroom extension. This brings the opportunity to families who are not enrolled in a traditional school, but may be looking for one class with a live teacher. Currently this is available for 7-12th grade students who would like to take a course at a traditional school.